Sacred Sun to Provide Energy Storage for Hebei Renewables Pilot

July 29th, 2015 – In a press conference in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced that the Zhangjiakou City Renewable Energy Demonstration Zone Development Plan has been approved by the State Council, formally establishing the Zhangjiakou Renewable Energy Demonstration Zone.

The Plan confirms that renewable energy development is a top priority development goal across the world. By 2020, renewables should account for 30% of final energy consumption. By 2030, that number will rise to 50%.

The Plan summarized its goals with the label “3-4-5.” The Plan should promote “3 Innovations”: systems and mechanisms, commercial models, and technology. It should implement “4 Projects,” including scalable development, high-capacity storage applications, smart transmission systems, and diversified application demonstrations. And the Plan should create “5 Functional Zones”: an Olympic special zone, a renewable energy innovation city, a renewable energy-integrated commercial zone, a high-end equipment manufacturing agglomeration, and a rural renewable energy recycling demonstration site.

The high-capacity storage application project aims to set high-capacity battery storage as a foremost technology in scaled energy storage pilots. The Plan supports a variety of renewables-plus-storage demonstrations, and supports financing for the construction and operation of energy storage installations for generators, consumers, and energy storage companies. This will help support the large-scale development of renewables at the demonstration site.

Shandong Sacred Sun Power Sources Co., Ltd. is a leading provider of high-capacity battery energy storage systems. In 2014, Sacred Sun introduced Japanese lead-carbon battery manufacturer Furukawa Battery Co.’s globally-recognized technology, product design, and manufacturing experience to China. Sacred Sun produces high-capacity, deep cycling, and long-lived FCP lead-carbon batteries. Sacred Sun’s batteries feature a lifespan of over 4200 cycles at 70% depth-of-discharge. When fully considering procurement costs and residual value from recycling, the cost of Sacred Sun FCP lead-acid batteries drops to $0.08 per kilowatt-hour of delivered power.

In 2014, Sacred Sun was named “China’s Most Influential Energy Storage Enterprise,” thanks to its innovative, high-capacity FCP lead-acid batteries. Sacred Sun is striving to help the Zhangjiakou Renewable Energy Demonstration Project meet its goals.​