CNESA Co-hosts Forum on Storage Pricing

December 10, 2016 - CNESA, in collaboration with the Beijing Energy Club alongside the Asia Development Bank, hosted the international forum: “Energy Storage Pricing: Method and Mechanisms.” Hearing from both Chinese and international experts in power and storage markets, the forum served to illuminate storage investment and accompanying policies as well as viable business models in some of the world's principal markets. Speakers also discussed applications in the Chinese market with potential storage pricing policies and mechanisms under China’s power system marketization reforms.

Morning sessions were devoted to international perspectives on storage pricing mechanisms. Janice Lin of Strategen Consulting introduced the American market and various pricing and government-backed incentive schemes underway across the nation. Heiko Staubitz, of Germany Trade and Invest, introduced the German renewables market and major economic drivers behind storage profitability. Goran Strbac from Imperial College London, presented his research on power systems markets and Naoki Sakai with the Asian Development Bank introduced storage pricing in Japan.

The afternoon session was headed by Chinese speakers including CNESA Secretary General Tina Zhang, delivering her thoughts on energy storage and China’s 13th Five Year Plan, along with the National Development and Reform Commission head of the Pricing Institute Liu Shujie spoke on an energy storage demonstration project in Dalian, Liaoning Province along with preliminary insights into setting Energy storage pricing mechanisms. Over 160 industry representatives, government officials, and researchers were in attendance.

Sunday, following the forum, members of organizing committee visited CNESA Alliance member, Rongke Power's energy storage R&D and production center.  Rongke's storage division, founded in 2008, is one of the world's leading vanadium flow battery solutions providers. Rongke Power serves as a core member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Dalian Physical Chemistry Research Institute. Beginning research into vanadium flow battery technology in 2000, the company has grown with over 30 technology projects located across China, Europe and the United States today.