Introducing CNESA’s “ES Research” Products and Services


Since 2011, the China Energy Storage Alliance’s research department has been focused on energy storage industry research and information consulting services.  After seven years of experience researching energy storage development and tracking industry trends, CNESA’s research department is proud to officially announce its “CNESA ES Research” brand, providing specialized energy storage research products and services.

ES Research includes four product and service types, including the Global Energy Storage Database, Energy Storage Industry Tracking, Special Reports on the Energy Storage Industry, and the Research Consulting Service.  Of these products, the Global Energy Storage Database and Energy Storage Industry Tracking are featured on the official ES Research website: Below is an introduction to each service:

The Global Energy Storage Database: the Global Energy Storage Database is divided into five separate categories: the Energy Storage Project Database, Energy Storage Policy Database, Energy Storage Manufacturer Database, Market Data Analysis, and Global Energy Storage Market Tracking

  • The Energy Storage Project Database features a continuously updating collection of global energy storage projects, providing data on location, scale, technology type, application type, and other detailed information.  As of the end of 2017, over 1500 energy storage projects were collected in the database. 
  • The Energy Storage Policy Database focuses on the development of the Chinese energy storage industry, collecting not only national and regional policies related to energy storage, but also tracking policies related to electricity reforms, renewable energy use, new energy vehicles, demand-side management and other related policies, as well as energy development plans related to the storage market environment or with potential storage opportunities.
  • The Energy Storage Manufacturers Database collects global manufacturer information from all segments of the industry chain, including providers of key technologies--such as energy storage units, management systems, inverters, and systems integrators--as well as constructors, project developers, operations managers, battery recyclers, and other members of the energy storage applications chain. 
  • The Market Data Analysis service is based on tracking of global energy storage capacity, providing continuous updates on the scale of markets in China and around the world, categorized by technology, application, country, and city/region, and providing a detailed statistical breakdown and analysis.

Using the data collected from the four services above, the CNESA research department also publishes the quarterly Global Energy Storage Market Tracking Report, providing a comprehensive analysis of the most recent market developments in China and around the world.


Energy Storage Industry Tracking: ES Research’s Energy Storage Industry Tracking follows energy storage industry developments in four categories: project, manufacturer, policy, and research.  The project category helps customers understand the most up-to-date distribution of projects and bidding plans.  The manufacturer category includes information on the most recent product releases, investments, strategic partnerships, production capacity, and other manufacturer activities.  The policy category analyzes domestic and international industry policies and electricity market rules.  The research category consists of predictions from notable research agencies regarding local markets, applications, capital, market developments, and more.


Special Reports on the Energy Storage Industry: CNESA has published its annual Energy Storage Industry White Paper since 2011.  The white paper provides a comprehensive yearly market analysis of the energy storage market characteristics and developments in China and key countries around the world.

Visit to learn more about ES Research products and services.
