China Energy Storage Alliance Joins ADB Asia Clean Energy Forum 2018


The Asian Development Bank held its annual Asia Clean Energy Forum 2018 the week of June 4-8 at ADB headquarters in Manila, Philippines.  The forum, one of the largest clean energy events in Asia, featured a wide variety of presentations, discussion sessions, and deep dive workshops covering a diverse range of themes such as Innovations in Energy Efficiency, Innovations in Renewable Energy, and Increasing Energy Access.  The event was attended by over 1,000 guests from throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

The China Energy Storage Alliance is proud to have taken part in the “Battery Energy Storage Technology for Clean Energy” Deep Dive Workshop held on June 8th.  CNESA representative George Dudley delivered a presentation introducing China’s energy storage market and policy environment.  Representatives from the India Energy Storage Alliance and Korea Battery Industry Association also delivered presentations providing background on the energy storage policy environments in their own countries. In addition to energy storage policy, other forum themes included economics & financing, grid applications (such as frequency regulation and demand response), and renewable integration.  Over a dozen expert presenters from the non-profit and private sectors shared their knowledge and experience on battery energy storage.


Since 2006, the Asia Clean Energy Forum has been bringing together clean energy experts, developers, policymakers, non-profit organizations, and more.  Learn more about the ACEF conference at the official website.  The China Energy Storage Alliance, the first non-profit dedicated to energy storage in China, was founded in 2010.  Representing over 200 member organizations from all aspects of the energy storage industry, CNESA serves as the voice of energy storage across China.  CNESA’s own International Conference and Expo is held in May of each year. 
