On April 10, 2020, the China Energy Storage Alliance released China’s first group standard for flywheel energy storage systems, T/CNESA 1202-2020 “General technical requirements for flywheel energy storage systems.” Development of the standard was led by Tsinghua University, Beijing Honghui Energy Co., and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, with participation from companies and organizations including Pinggao Group, Dunshi Magnetic Energy Technology Co., Shanghai Aerospace Control Technology Institute, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Electrical Engineering, State Grid Beijing Electric Power Research Institute, North China Electric Power University, Weikong Energy, BC New Energy, and others. Development of the standard took two years of research and discussion between the participants.
In August 2018, the China Energy Storage Alliance organized and hosted a seminar on flywheel energy storage system standardization at Tsinghua University. The seminar outlined the initial framework and scope for the flywheel energy storage standard. In December 2018, Beijing Honghui Energy Co. organized the second working group meeting to establish a plan for drafting the “General technical requirements for flywheel energy storage systems.” A first draft of the standard was completed at a working group meeting held in March 2019 at Tsinghua University, after which the Beijing Honghui Energy Co. submitted the CNESA standard for approval. The standard was officially approved by the Alliance Standards Committee on March 19. Following further working group discussions and revisions to the draft standard, CNESA solicited suggestions on the draft from September 6 to October 15, 2019. On November 29, 2019, CNESA held the last working group meeting at the Shanghai Aerospace Control Technology Institute, finalizing the technical content of the standard. In February 2020, a group composed of experts from Wuhan University, Beihang University, Beijing Sanyi Zhizao Technology Co., the China National Institute of Standardization, and other organizations reviewed the standard, determining that it remedied a large industry gap, providing realistic, scientific, and reasonable performance parameter indicators. The group agreed that the standard should be released as soon as possible, and recommended further improvements of standards to support flywheel energy storage systems. Following final approval by the Alliance Standards Committee, CNESA officially released the standard on April 10, 2020.
The cover of “General technical requirements for flywheel energy storage systems”
The “General technical requirements for flywheel energy storage systems” standard specifies the general requirements, performance requirements, and testing methods for flywheel energy storage systems. The standard is designed in accordance with domestic and international flywheel standard conventions, while also referencing related electrochemical energy storage system standards. The standard provides definitions for flywheel energy storage systems, related equipment, working statuses, and performance parameters, particularly as they related to storage capacity, standby power consumption, and storage efficiency. The standard has provided the flywheel energy storage industry with a clearer, more unified understanding of the necessary parameters for developing flywheel energy storage systems.
Current market trends have seen the application of flywheels in major industries such as the power grid, emergency power supplies, data centers, rail transportation, oil drilling, and other fields. Advantages of flywheels such as high frequency, high power, energy conservation, environmental friendliness, and long lifespan have caught the attention of many industries and experts. The release of the “General technical requirements for flywheel energy storage systems” will help to further promote growth of flywheel energy storage in a positive and safe direction.
Thank you to the following companies and organizations for supporting the development of this standard:
Amber Kinetics
Beihang University
Beijing Honghui Energy Co.
Beijing Sanyi Zhizao Technology Co.
BC New Energy
Dalian Hengli Technology Co.
Dunshi Magnetic Energy Technology Co.,
Erzhong Power Co.
State Grid Beijing Electric Power Research Institute
Huntsman Advanced Materials
North China Electric Power University
Pinggao Group
Tsinghua University
POWERCHINA Shanghai Electric Power Engineering Co.
Shanghai Aerospace Control Technology Institute
Shanghai CHN-ISR Investment & Development Co.
Weikong Energy
Phoenix Tree Capital Partners
Wuhan University
Bomay Electric Industries Co.
China National Institute of Standardization Ziyuan Branch
Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Electrical Engineering
Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Engineering Thermophysics