Symposium participants gather for a group picture. 7.15.2016.
On July 15, 2016, more than 40 experts and industry leaders in renewable energy and battery storage convened in Beijing to discuss how to adopt mass energy storage technology in wind and PV power generating systems. The event was co-organized by the China Electric Power Research Institute, BYD Electric Power Research Institute, China Energy Storage Alliance (CNESA), and the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China.
Tina Zhang, secretary General of the CNESA, served as host of the event, while Zifeng Zhang, BYD Electric Power Research Institute’s Chief Engineer, delivered the keynote address. There were additional speeches by representatives HuamingZhang, Chief Engineer of Rongke Power; Shicheng Wang, CEO of Beijing Soaring Electronic Technology; Jianlin Li, Head of Electrical Engineering at the China Electric Power Research Institute; as well as Zhi He, Chief of Sales at Sunwoda Electronics.
The featured guests gave speeches centered on implementing mass energy storage technology in renewable energy generating systems. Some topics discussed were large in scope such as factors affecting total adoption of renewable energy sources to generate power. The rest of the topics largely centered aroundbattery storage, including the role of battery storage stations in transmitting electricity generated by renewable sources and comparing and contrasting the characteristics of grid-integrated and independent battery storage stations. Methods to integrate such storage stations into renewable power generating systems were also discussed.
CNESA’s research and government affairs teams, drawing from a now deeper understanding on symposium topics on energy storage usage, technological advances, costs measures, and policy recommendations, look forward to continue their efforts to develop renewable energy in China.