On May 20, the China Energy Storage Alliance hosted the “Assessing Energy Storage’s Development Trends and the Energy Storage Industry White Paper 2020” webinar, with the support of Sungrow, CLOU, Higee, and Hyperstrong.
During the webinar, CNESA Vice General Secretary and Research Director Yue Fen announced the official launch of CNESA’s Energy Storage Industry White Paper 2020. The white paper includes the official launch of the 2019 energy storage technology provider rankings, energy storage inverter provider rankings, and the energy storage system integrator rankings. Among these lists, Sungrow placed first in both system integrator rankings and inverter provider rankings, while CATL ranked first among energy storage technology providers. Detailed results of the rankings are below:
1. Energy Storage Technology Provider Rankings
In 2019, among new operational electrochemical energy storage projects in China, the top 10 providers in terms of installed capacity were CATL, Higee Energy, Guoxuan High-Tech, EVE Energy, Dynavolt Tech, Narada, ZTT, Lishen, Sacred Sun, and China BAK.
Note: a “technology provider” here refers to a company which manufactures and sells battery technologies, including battery cells, modules, and packs.
Figure 1:ranking of energy storage technology providers in China, 2019
2. Energy Storage Inverter Provider Rankings
In 2019, among new operational electrochemical energy storage projects in China, the top 10 energy storage inverter providers in terms of installed capacity were Sungrow, Kelong, NR Electric, Sinexcel, CLOU Electronics, Soaring, KLNE, Sineng, XJ Group Corporation, and Zhiguang Energy Storage.
Figure 2: ranking of energy storage inverter providers in China, 2019
3. Energy Storage System Integrator Rankings
In 2019, among new operational electrochemical energy storage projects in China, the top 10 energy storage system integrators in in terms of installed capacity were Sungrow, CLOU Electronics, Hyperstrong, CUBENERGY, Dynavolt Tech, Narada, Shanghai Electric Guoxuan, Ray Power, Zhiguang Energy Storage, and NR Electric.
Note: an energy storage system integrator refers to a company which engages in the integration of energy storage systems, providing customers with a product that is a complete energy storage system. A complete system includes the energy storage technology, a BMS, inverter, EMS, and other components that create a specific system to meet client specifications.
Figure 3: ranking of energy storage system integrators in China, 2019
Ranking Method: company rankings are based on the CNESA “Global Energy Storage Database,” which collects project data from publicly available sources as well as voluntarily submitted data from energy storage companies. Companies are sorted into the category of technology provider, inverter provider, or system integrator, and ranked according to their new deployment capacity in the Chinese market in 2019.
About the Energy Storage Company Rankings: CNESA began its yearly “Energy Storage Company New Capacity Rankings” in 2015. Over the past five years, the rankings have received widespread attention and recognition within the energy storage industry. In order to guarantee the quality and comprehensiveness of the energy storage project data, provide objective analysis, and track future energy storage trends, CNESA collects voluntary data from its members and other willing energy storage industry companies. This data collection provides an important basis for the development of the “Energy Storage Company Capacity Rankings,” assists in project declaration, and helps government bodies, generation groups, grid companies, and energy storage companies discover the latest industry developments so that they may have a basis for strategic planning.
Author: CNESA Research Translation: George Dudley