Gansu Province Became The First Region in China to Open up The Peak-shaving Capacity Market for Energy Storage

On January 5, the Gansu Energy Regulatory Office of the National Energy Administration released the notice of the "Gansu Provincial Power Auxiliary Service Market Operation Rules (Trial)", and Gansu Province became the first region in China to open the peak-shaving capacity market for energy storage. According to the operation mode and function of grid-side energy storage, the document divides it into independent energy storage and independent shared energy storage, and the entry threshold is 10MW/20MWh and above. For peak shaving capacity market transactions, the upper limit of reporting and compensation standards is temporarily implemented at 300 yuan/(MW·day). For frequency regulation auxiliary service market transactions, the upper limit of quotations is temporarily set at 12 yuan/MW. For demand response compensation price, the lower and upper limits of peak shaving response are 0 and 1000 yuan/MWh; the lower and upper limits of the valley filling response price are 0 and 500 yuan/MWh; the lower and upper limits of the emergency peak-shaving response price are 0 and 1500 yuan/MWh; the lower and upper limits of the emergency valley filling response price are 0 and 750 yuan/MWh.